Claiming Your Portal Username

Your Fordham username is your electronic identity at Fordham University. It's the part of your Fordham email address before the "@" symbol. To use Fordham's online services and resources, enter your username and password. This guide gives step-by-step instructions for setting up your Fordham University account. Following these steps will help you claim your account properly.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click “New User: Claim Account” Screen capture depicting Clicking “New User: Claim Account”
  3. Click the "I certify that I have read the policy on computer privileges and responsibilities, and I agree to abide by this policy" field. Screen capture depicting Clicking the “I certify that I have read the policy on computer privileges and responsibilities, and I agree to abide by this policy” field.
  4. Click “Continue” Screen capture depicting Clicking “Continue”
  5. Please provide the phone number and personal email address Fordham University has on file for you. This is not the same email address as ', but a different one you can access (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, etc.). Screen capture depicting form to provide the phone number and personal email address
  6. Click “Submit” Screen capture depicting Clicking “Submit”
  7. A link with the Token will be sent to your personal email address Screen capture depicting A link with the Token will be sent to your personal email address
  8. Go to your personal email Screen capture depicting an example of a personal email
  9. Open the email received and click on the link Screen capture depicting Opening the email received and clicking on the linkPlease be aware that your username will be included in this email *Your username is also your Fordham University email (*
  10. It will redirect to a screen asking you to Click here to continue Screen capture depicting redirecting <a href=to a screen asking you to Click here to continue" />
  11. Enter and confirm your password (Note: Your password will have to be at least 8 characters long, contain 1 upper case, 1 lower case and a number) Screen capture depicting entering and confirming your password
  12. Confirm your security questions Screen capture depicting confirming your security questions
  13. Congratulations! You have claimed your Fordham Account. Go back to and log in

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