This function exports the query context in the specified format.
FUNCTION EXPORT ( p_context IN apex_exec.t_context, p_format IN t_format, p_as_clob IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, p_columns IN t_columns DEFAULT c_empty_columns, p_column_groups IN t_column_groups DEFAULT c_empty_column_groups, p_aggregates IN t_aggregates DEFAULT c_empty_aggregates, p_highlights IN t_highlights DEFAULT c_empty_highlights, -- p_file_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_print_config IN t_print_config DEFAULT c_empty_print_config, p_page_header IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_page_footer IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_supplemental_text IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- p_csv_enclosed_by IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_csv_separator IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- p_pdf_accessible IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, -- p_xml_include_declaration IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false ) RETURN t_export
Parameter | Description |
p_context | Context object from the EXEC infrastructure. |
p_format | Export format. Valid values are: XLSX, PDF, HTML, CSV, XML and JSON. |
p_as_clob | Exports as a CLOB instead of BLOB (default FALSE). |
p_columns | Collection of column attributes beginning with column breaks, then in the order of display. |
p_column_groups | Collection of column group attributes in the order of levels and display. |
p_aggregates | Collection of report aggregates. |
p_highlights | Collection of report highlights. |
p_file_name | Defines the filename of the export. |
p_print_config | Used for EXCEL and PDF to set the print attributes. |
p_page_header | Text to appear in the header section of the document. Overrides the page header from p_print_config . |
p_page_footer | Text to appear in the footer section of the document. Overrides the page footer from p_print_config . |
p_supplemental_text | Text at the top of all download formats. |
p_csv_enclosed_by | Used for CSV to enclose the output. |
p_csv_separator | Used for CSV to separate the column values. |
p_pdf_accessible | Used for PDF to create an accessible PDF. |
p_xml_include_declaration | Used for XML to generate the XML declaration as the first line. |
This function returns: the export file as object which includes the contents, MIME type, and file name.
DECLARE l_context apex_exec.t_context; l_export apex_data_export.t_export; BEGIN l_context := apex_exec.open_query_context( p_location => apex_exec.c_location_local_db, p_sql_query => 'select * from emp' ); l_export := apex_data_export.export ( p_context => l_context, p_format => apex_data_export.c_format_pdf ); apex_exec.close( l_context ); p_export => l_export ); EXCEPTION when others THEN apex_exec.close( l_context ); raise; END;
Parent topic: APEX_DATA_EXPORT