Number of Days in School Year by State 2024
An academic year or school year is the period of time that schools use to measure a quantity of time of study. A school year typically Instructional days refer to the amount of time students are expected to be in the classroom per year.
In the United States, school typically have winter breaks for the Christmas holidays and New Year’s Day and a week-long spring break taken in March or April. Additionally, the longest break of the year is summer break, which typically lasts about 12 weeks, starting anywhere from late May or late June to late August or after Labor Day in September. School year breaks have many effects on a county, such as increasing the price of travel and accommodations and a shift in crime rates.
School years in the United States typically range from 160 to 180 days depending on the state. This does not include holidays, such as Thanksgiving, breaks, or weekends. States that are subject to snowfall in the wintertime often factor in days on which the school might close due to inclement weather. Additionally, some districts have school in-service days for teachers to participate in and Teacher’s Day Off, which may be scheduled twice or three times throughout the school year.
Minimum Number of Days in a School Year by State
Every state has a set number of days and/or hours required for each school year. Below are each state’s minimum required days and hours from the Education Commission of the States. States that have both hours per year and days per year require both unless otherwise stated. Some states list only required hours and do not designate a minimum number of days of attendance. Exceptions to the required instructional times may not be specified in the list.
- 180 days
- Grade K-3: 740 hours
- Grade 4-12: 900 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either minimum required hours per year or minimum days per year
- Half-day Kindergarten: 356 hours
- Grades 1-3: 712 hours
- Grades 4-6: 890 hours
- Grades 7-8: 1000 hours
- Grades 9-12: 720 hours
- Hours exclude lunch and recess for grades K-8.
- Students in grades 9-12 must enroll in at least 4 subjects.
- 178 days
- Includes a minimum of 10 days (60 hours) professional development/in-service and a minimum of 2 days for parent/teacher conferences.
- 180 days
- Kindergarten: 600 hours
- Grades 1-3: 840 hours
- Grades 4-8: 900 hours
- Grades 9-12: 1,080 hours
- Charter schools and select districts have 175 required days.
- State specifics instructional time in minutes
- 160 days
- Half-day Kindergarten: 435 hours
- Grades 1-3: 870 hours
- Grades 4-8: 968 hours
- Grades 9-12: 1,056
- Excludes parent-teacher conferences and staff in-service programs.
- 180 days
- Half-day Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Grades K-11: 1,060 hours
- Grade 12: 1,032 hours
District of Columbia
- 180 days
- Grades K-3: 720 hours
- Grades 4-12: 900 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either minimum hours per year or minimum days per year.
- 180 days
- 1,080 hours
- Does not apply to charter or multi-track schools.
- Days exclude professional development and other non-instructional days.
- District option for the number of required days
- Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Grades 1-3: 810 hours
- Grades 4-8: 900 hours
- Grades 9-12: 990 hours
- Hour requirements include up to 22 hours for staff development but exclude recess, lunch, and passing periods.
- 180 days
- Includes up to 4 professional development days.
- Grades K-11: 186 days
- Grades 12: 181 days
- Kindergarten: 465 hours
- Grades 1-11: 1,116 hours
- Grades 12: 1,086 hours
- Districts have a 185-day calendar that includes 170 instructional days and 4 days for professional development.
- Louisiana specifies instructional time in minutes.
- Districts have the option to meet either minimum hours per year or days per year.
- Senior in grade 12 are allowed early dismissal for up to 10 instructional days.
- 175 days
- Students in grade 12 may have their year reduced to 170 days.
- 1,080 hours (1,170 for public high schools)
- Schools must operate at least 180 days/year but instructional time is measured in hours.
- Kindergarten: 425 hours
- Grades 1-5: 900 hours
- Grades 6-12: 990 hours
- Hours exclude lunch, recess, passing periods, homeroom, non-directed study periods, and time spent receiving school services or participating in optional school programs.
- Half-day Kindergarten: 425 hours
- Full-day Kindergarten: 850 hours
- Grades 1-6: 935 hours
- 4-day week: 142 days
- Kindergarten: 522 hours
- Grades 1-12: 1,044 hours
- Half-day Kindergarten: 360 hours
- Full-day K-3: 720 hours
- Grades 4-12: 1,080 hours
- Graduating seniors: 1,050 hours
- Includes an additional 3 days for instructional and professional development.
- Grades 1-8: 1,032 hours
- Grades 9-12; 1,080 hours
- May includes up to 5 days for professional development with approval from the superintendent of public instruction.
New Hampshire
- 180 days
- Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Elementary schools: 945 hours
- Middle and high schools: 990 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either minimum hours per year or days per year.
- High school seniors may have their year reduced by up to 5 days or 30 hours.
New Jersey
New Mexico
- Half-day Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Full-day K-6: 990 hours
- Grades 7-12: 1,080 hours
- 33 hours of the full-day kindergarten program and 22 hours of grades 1-6 may be used for home visits by the teacher or parent-teacher conferences.
- 12 hours of grades 7-12 may be used to consult with parents or for parent-teacher conferences.
New York
North Carolina
- 1,025 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either minimum hours per year or days per year.
North Dakota
- In a 182-day calendar, 175 days are required for instruction, at least 2 must be used for professional development, and no more than 2 days may be used for parent-teacher conferences.
- Any reconfigured school year must include at least 951.5 hours for grade K-8 and 1,038 hours for grades 9-12.
- District option for minimum days.
- Half-day Kindergarten: 455 hours
- Full-day K-6: 910 hours
- Grades 7-12: 1,001 hours
- 180 days
- 1,080 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either the minimum hours per year or days per year.
- Hours include up to 30 hours used for professional meetings and 6 hours per semester for parent-teacher conferences.
- Half-day Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Full-day K-8: 900 hours
- Grades 9-11: 990 hours
- Grade 12: 966 hours
- Hours include recess for grades K-3.
- Hours include up to 30 hours used for professional meetings and 6 hours per semester for parent-teacher conferences.
- 180 days
- Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Grade 1-8: 900 hours
- Grade 9-12: 990 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either the minimum hours per year or days per year.
Rhode Island
- 180 days
- 1,080 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either the minimum hours per year or days per year.
South Carolina
- 180 days
- 3 days must be used for professional development; no more than 2 days may be used for the preparation of opening schools; and 5 days must be used for teacher planning, academic plans, and parent conferences to total 190 days.
South Dakota
- Minimum days is district option.
- Kindergarten: 437.5 hours
- Grades 1-5: 875 hours
- Grades 6-12: 962.5 hours
- Hours include intermission for grades 1-5 but exclude intermissions for grates 6-12.
- School boards may release graduating seniors before the end of the school year.
- Plus 5 days for in-service and 1 day for parent-teacher conferences.
- 1,260 hours.
- Hours include intermissions and recesses.
- The state specifies instructional time in minutes.
- 180 days
- Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Grade 1: 810 hours
- Grades 1-12: 990
- Day requirement includes parent-teacher conferences or college and career conferences for up to 16.5 hours or 3 full school days.
- 175 days
- Plus at least 5 days of teacher in-service education days.
- Kindergarten: 540 hours
- Grades 1-12: 990 hours
- Districts have the option to meet either minimum hours per year or minimum days per year.
- 180 days
- Grades K-8: 1,000 hours
- Grades 9-12: 1,080 hours
West Virginia
- Kindergarten: 437 hours
- Grades 1-6: 1,050 hours
- 175 days
- Kindergarten: 450 hours
- Elementary: 900 hours
- Middle/Junior High: 1,050 hours
- Secondary: 1,100 hours