Free Landscaping Estimate Template (+PDF Download)

Free Landscaping Estimate Template (+PDF Download)

Still writing landscaping estimates the old-fashioned, manual way? Here are four big problems automating your landscape estimate process helps you solve, leading to bigger time savings and better profits.

Big Problem #1: Errors due to unavailable or inconsistent production standards negatively impact overall profit, such as:

Big Problem #2: Manual calculations for estimates are tedious and time consuming, preventing techs from:

Big Problem #3: Customers misplace and lose paper quotes, leading to:

Big Problem #4: No regular follow-up occurs on open estimates, resulting in:

Eliminate common challenges with software designed for the landscaping business

To solve these problems and provide landscaping and lawn care clients with timely, accurate estimates, many landscape companies turn to landscaping estimate software to streamline the process.

A simple online search for “landscape estimate template” will provide tons of free, downloadable landscaping estimate forms.

These templates help landscapers to calculate estimated costs for landscaping work.

If you’re still a small business that scribbles down “guesstimates” for customers using pen and paper, then a free landscaping estimate template may be the way to go.

Can a landscaping estimate template do more than compile costs?

While a landscape cost estimate sheet and other free quote templates can help business owners price landscaping jobs, that’s really all they do.

→ Most free templates only calculate labor and material costs on a job.

→ Landscapers need to incorporate a percentage of overhead costs and markups into the total cost to track profitability accurately.

→ Branded quote templates with company logos improve brand recognition and help companies portray themselves professionally.

Improving accuracy and consistency in your job bids is vital to growing your business.

Implement business management software with end-to-end functionality

With landscape estimating software like Aspire, you not only gain the functionality to price landscaping jobs, but the business management software also streamlines all the other parts of your business, including:

Other direct costs are automatically factored into your estimates to help ensure profitability.

Give your landscaping business the tools it needs to scale

If you’re serious about growing your residential or commercial landscaping business, it may be time to ditch the Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Google docs, or even paper worksheets and business forms and explore the benefits of landscape estimating software.

A comprehensive, all-in-one software solution like Aspire Business Management Software can help you create detailed estimates and connect the other core features of your business, such as:

To decide which landscape estimating template works best for their business, landscapers must dig into both options to weigh the pros and cons.

Is your business ready for more than a temporary solution?

Will a free landscape estimate template suffice for now, or do you need an all-in-one software solution that allows customized estimate templates for landscaping and connects all your business processes?

In this post, we’ll detail how Aspire landscape software works seamlessly to integrate a landscape company’s most important features, including estimating, to allow landscape contractors to drive revenue growth and maximize efficiency.

Want to see how Aspire’s Business Management Software works to streamline landscape business operations? Request a demo for a free walk-through of the features we describe throughout this article.

Landscape estimating software vs. sample landscaping estimate forms

What’s the biggest advantage of downloading sample landscaping estimate forms online?

They’re free, of course. Landscapers can simply find one that works for their business, download a PDF landscaping template, fill in the sections, and then turn it into a printable landscaping estimate template to deliver to the customer.

What are the drawbacks to using downloadable landscaping estimate forms?

While these types of free proposal templates work slightly better than the old-school pen-and-paper method, they still come with a few drawbacks that can impact the profitability of your landscape business.

Complications and lost time arise from:

In general, standalone landscape estimate forms:

→ Fail to connect important elements of a landscaping business

→ Provide little financial insight into the overall costs and profit margins needed to run a successful operation.

Inaccurate and inconsistent contractor estimates based solely on instinct or past job results — rather than actual company data — can result in unhappy customers and profit loss.

Why landscaping business management software is a better solution

Landscaping estimate software ties in directly to streamline other core business operations, such as your:

With Aspire's integrated estimating functionality, landscape contractors effortlessly and accurately bid projects of any size or complexity.

Instead of being stumped when your customers ask:

→ ”How much do landscapers charge per hour?”

→ “How much does landscaping cost per square foot?”

Landscaping business management software helps you deliver the right answers and the right professional proposal at the right profit margin.

What’s the true cost of free templates for landscaping?

“Free” works for most budgets — including landscaping businesses. We get it.

But, ultimately, you get what you pay for. You can probably figure out your material costs per square foot with a free template, but are you calculating the actual cost of labor into your prices by including:

→ What about accounting for price hikes on landscaping materials or project delays caused by unforeseen weather or supply-chain issues?

A “free” landscaping business estimate template that doesn’t consider your company’s needs may cost you more in the long run.

Free templates simply don’t offer the same benefits to landscapers

Using a free download for your landscaping quotes may be fast (and cheap!) but ultimately, you’re preventing your business from accessing benefits provided by an integrated estimate and quote platform.

→ Free templates weren't designed to be a database for your business' production standards.

In the following section, we explore what to include in a polished and professional landscaping estimate template and how Aspire’s landscaping estimate software features work to consolidate all of a landscape business’s essential operations into one platform.

What are landscaping estimate templates?

Aspire’s pre-built landscape estimate templates help landscape contractors deliver everything from:

✔ Simple and easy lawn-mowing estimates to…

✔ Elaborate and complicated bids for construction jobs or commercial properties.

You can even build a variety of production-rate kits for common recurring services, such as mulch installation, spring and fall cleanups, and weekly turf maintenance

A professional and polished landscaping estimate template should include the following: